Introducing Router’s Inaugural IDApp on Testnet Mandara — Ping Pong

Router Protocol
5 min readJun 6, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of Web 3.0 and blockchains, achieving seamless interoperability across different blockchain networks with the utmost security and decentralisation has remained a significant challenge. To address this, the Router team has built a Cosmos-based Layer 1 blockchain for secure, seamless, and decentralised cross-chain interactions across different blockchain ecosystems.

Now that Router’s testnet is live, we have decided to give our users a sneak peek into the power and potential of Web 3.0 interoperability with the Router’s new infrastructure. To do so, we have developed an in-house IDApp (interoperable decentralised application) called Ping Pong.

This application allows users to send an arbitrary message (Ping) from one chain to another and receive an acknowledgment in return (Pong) back to the source chain, all with the click of a button. This application serves as a proof-of-concept for Router-powered interoperable dApps and, in doing so, paves the way for a new era of seamless interoperability. Try it out and claim your free participation NFT —

In the following sections of this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Router’s cross-chain Ping Pong, along with a step-by-step guide on how to use it.

Features and Benefits

1) User-friendly Experience: One of the key strengths of our Ping Pong application is its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to Web 3.0 users of all levels of expertise. The intuitive design and straightforward functionality ensure that users can easily navigate and utilise the IDApp without extensive technical knowledge.

2) Proof-of-Concept for Router IDApps: As an open-source application, Router’s Ping Pong showcases the potential of Router to support robust and efficient applications that can communicate and interact across multiple blockchains.

Verified Contract Links

How to use Router’s Ping Pong application and claim your free NFT?

Note that the guide given below is for those with little to no experience with decentralised applications. If you have sufficient experience in using dApps, you’ll be able to navigate our Ping Pong IDApp easily.

Step 1) Go to this link. You should see the following screen:

Figure 1. Ping Pong IDApp UI

Step 2) Connect your MetaMask wallet using the button on your screen’s top right.

Step 3) Select the source and the destination chain. Currently, we support four testnets — Avalanche Fuji, Polygon Mumbai, Router testnet, and Ethereum Goerli.

Figure 2. Chains supported by Ping Pong IDApp

Important notes:

  1. By default, the source chain will be set to Mumbai, and the destination chain will be set to Fuji.
  2. Upon changing the source chain, you will be asked to switch the network in your MetaMask wallet.
  3. Make sure you have minimal NATIVE tokens on the source chain to perform a transaction. If not, you can use the following faucets:

Step 4) Enter the message you want to send to the destination chain and click the “Send Message” button.

Figure 3. Sending a message to the destination chain

Step 5) Sign the transaction on your MetaMask wallet. Once the transaction is sent from your wallet, you should see a loader under the “Destination Chain” section.

Step 6) [Optional] You can monitor the status of your transaction by copying the transaction hash from your MetaMask wallet and pasting it into Router’s testnet explorer.

Figure 4. Searching for your transaction on Router’s explorer

By clicking on the row corresponding to your transaction hash, you can see the detailed view of your transaction, including its end-to-end lifecycle, acknowledgment timeline, voting details, and gas refund status:

Figure 5. Detailed view of your transaction

Step 7) [Optional] In the “Contract Calls” subsection of your transaction’s explorer page, you can also decode the data to verify that the cross-chain request was sent with the correct payload.

Figure 6. Contract calls in your cross-chain request
  • Step 7.1) To decode the data, click on “Decode” under the “Request Payload” and enter “uint8, string” in the field that pops up.
Figure 7. Decoding the message
  • Step 7.2) Click on the “Decode” button. You should now see the decoded message under the “Request Payload”:
Figure 8. Decoded message

Step 8) Once the request is marked as completed under the “Destination Timeline” subsection in the explorer, you should be able to see your message in the Ping Pong IDApp.

Figure 9. Message received on the destination chain (Fuji)

Step 9) As mentioned above, with Ping Pong, we also showcase Router’s ability to send acknowledgments back to the source chain. Therefore, you will also be able to see an acknowledgement on the Ping Pong UI once the ack request is marked as completed under the “Ack Timeline” subsection in the explorer.

Figure 10. Acknowledgement received on the source chain (Mumbai)

Step 10) A few minutes after the acknowledgment is received on the source chain, a Ping Pong NFT will be credited to your wallet on the Router chain. To check it out, click the “View on explorer” button or go to the Router testnet explorer and paste your address there.

Note: You might not see your NFT in the Explorer instantly. It will reflect in a few minutes.

Figure 11. NFT received on the Router chain

As the concept of Web 3.0 interoperability continues to gain traction, we can look forward to a future where blockchain networks seamlessly communicate and collaborate, unlocking endless possibilities for decentralised applications. With Router Protocol at the forefront of innovation in this space, we can expect to see a wide range of innovative applications leveraging its capabilities. Ping Pong is just the beginning of this exciting journey.

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Router Protocol

Router Protocol is a secure, composable, and modular framework for building interoperable applications. More at