Introducing Voyager: Go Anywhere, Everywhere.

Router Protocol
4 min readJun 29, 2022


Cross-chain swaps and transfers made secure and easy with Router Protocol’s flagship dApp

Router Protocol started with a dream. A dream to build a chain agnostic Web 3.0.

Our journey into the realm of cross-chain communication began on January 27, 2022. After months in development, at Router Protocol we launched our alpha mainnet; a cross-chain bridge facilitating cross-chain swaps and transfers.

Initially, we started off with 2 integrated chains: Polygon and Ethereum. However, over the course of the past 6 months, we have integrated almost all major EVM chains. Out of the 9 integrated chains, most of them have been added after community governance voting.

In case you are new to Router Protocol and the cross-chain interoperability ecosystem that it is building, here are a few links to familiarize yourselves with

-> Alpha Mainnet Launch
-> Router Protocol Integrates Avalanche Network to it’s Cross-Chain Protocol -> Comparing Router Protocol with other Cross-chain infra projects
-> How To Transfer Funds From BSC to Polygon
-> Introducing CrossTalk for Web3 Devs: Unleashing the Power of Router Protocol to Build Chain Agnostic DApps

Router has always been more than a cross-chain bridging solution. While we were building the functionalities of our Swapping Engine, our team was also working on building the infrastructure to empower developers with tools to build projects with cross-chain functionalities. For instance, our CrossTalk product suite, helps Dapps plug in seamlessly into Router’s liquidity and communication super mesh and become instantly cross chain.

Our cross-chain widget can easily plug into most DEXes, giving their users instant access to go to or come from multiple chains. A host of teams are developing Dapps that leverage Router’s cross-chain messaging capabilities to enable cross-chain trading, lending, governance, NFT transfers, etc.

So, while it is indeed fashionable these days for many projects to claim that they are building cross-chain messaging, with these developments, it can be unequivocally inferred that Router has been diligently working towards that goal for a while now.

Voyager: Your gateway to the complex galaxy of blockchains

With the aforementioned context in place, Router’s alpha launch product that enables cross-chain swaps and transfers assumes significance. Christened as “VOYAGER”, this is the first product developed by the Router team on top of Router Protocol’s cross-chain infrastructure.

Try Voyager here :

In fact, this product can be viewed as a quintessential exemplar of the type of dApp that can be built on top of Router, leveraging the full potential of cross-chain messaging infrastructure and interoperability.

While it made sense to refer to this dApp as Router initially, it is patently obvious that Router Protocol is much more than just this dApp (as seen from the Crosstalk suite adoption, the widget adoption, and the growth of the ecosystem: )

Therefore, this cross-chain asset swapping and trading platform is now being given a unique and independent identity as Voyager

Go Anywhere, Everywhere. With Voyager.

(not to be confused with any other CeFi or TradFi products in crypto or elsewhere with the same name).

The tagline captures the essence of what one can do with Voyager. Separating the Voyager dApp as a brand from the overall Router platform is pivotal in many aspects, including accommodating many teams that want to build their own custom bridging and asset transfer solutions using Router’s SDK.

It is perhaps worthwhile to share some key stats here for Voyager, especially after the start of various cross-chain bridging festivals, the ‘Voyage Series’. In the past month or so, close to $200m has been transacted. Voyager has an exciting growth map over the next few months and will expand along with Router to multiple chains, including some major non-EVM ones.

Voyager Growth Numbers

Some of the key highlights of Voyager are -

  1. On-chain validation: Router employs on-chain validation by committing three commits on the destination chain.
  2. Gold standard in security: We engage with multiple audit partners (web2 and web3) and also run a $200,000 bug bounty program on ImmuneFi.
  3. Any token to any token swap: Voyager allows any arbitrary tokens to be swapped to any tokens across the nine chains.

With the rollover of into voyager, a host of new features will get unlocked over a period of time :

  1. Staking: We will soon be launching staking of $ROUTE token and USDC staking for bridge liquidity.
  2. Improved UI: Voyager will soon undergo a design update to offer a more refined experience to users while enabling cross-chain swaps.

A key comparative of Router Protocol’s VOYAGER vis-a-vis other bridges is given below:

How Voyager compares with other similar protocols

We hope you enjoy using Voyager or continue to do so if you are already an existing patron!

About Voyager

Voyager is a cross-chain swap and transfer DApp powered by Router Protocol. Voyager lets users swap any assets between different chains.


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About Router Protocol

Router Protocol is building a suite of cross-chain infra primitives that aims to enable blockchain interoperability between current and emerging Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains.






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Router Protocol

Router Protocol is a secure, composable, and modular framework for building interoperable applications. More at