Progress Recap: A Look at Router Protocol in January 2023
2 min readFeb 1, 2023
January 2023 was an exciting month for Router Protocol. Here’s a small recap of January 2023:
- The major highlight of the month was the Syntax Error Hackathon. The Router Protocol team had the opportunity to be the title sponsor for this annual introductory hackathon, where students from across India showcased their programming skills and built on Router tech at IIT Roorkee.
- Router Protocol announced its first partnership of the year with FXDX Exchange, which is a decentralized on-chain derivatives exchange that will be leveraging Router Protocol Infra to go cross-chain. The second partner of the year was VetMe, a vetting platform that will integrate Router’s CrossTalk to leverage cross-chain capabilities on their escrow services.
- The Router Protocol team had an interactive Twitter Space session with Genesis Universe to discuss blockchain interoperability and its potential solutions. The $GNS token from Gains Network was also whitelisted on Router Protocol-powered Cross-Chain dApp, Voyager, making trading seamless for Gains users.
- Router Protocol also celebrated it’s two years anniversary on January 18th, 2023.
- Router Protocol was listed on CB Insights, a market leader in tech market intelligence.
- Router added valuable ecosystem partnerships with Arcana Network, who is on a mission to make Web3 more accessible and Thinkin, a web3 community-based Social-Fi platform.
- Router Protocol was part of the Year 2023’s first Namaste Web3 event organized by Forbes India, CoinDCX & Bharat Web3 Association, where our co-founder Priyeshu Garg was a panelist shedding light on interoperability and web3.
- Router also announced partnerships with Aspis, a next-gen secure collective asset management protocol, and Homespace, a metasite network in the last week of Jan.
In conclusion, January 2023 was a busy and productive month for Router Protocol, with numerous partnerships and events taking place. Router continues to strive towards its mission of Interoperability.
About Router Protocol:
Router Protocol is building a suite of cross-chain infra primitives that aims to enable blockchain interoperability between current and emerging Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains.