Router Protocol’s SRM Chennai Recap and Layer Hackathon

Router Protocol
4 min readMay 4, 2023


The Router Protocol team recently had the opportunity to travel to Chennai, India, to conduct a workshop and “Layer” Hackathon at SRM KTR Campus.

We were impressed by the young hackers’ enthusiasm and dedication at the event. It’s evident that the upcoming innovators are fueled by a deep passion for developing impactful solutions within the Web3 space.

Layer Hackday

The workshops were a great way to connect with the talented individuals in the area and demonstrate the potential of blockchain interoperability. The attendees learnt how to create CrossChain ERC20 & 721 tokens using Router Protocl’s CrossTalk Library.

Workshop conducted on Interoperability and Router CrossTalk

The Hackday was an exhilarating event as we witnessed students utilizing blockchain technology to develop innovative and distinctive projects. It was a highly successful experience for the Router Protocol team, and we eagerly anticipate future chances to collaborate with such talented and driven students.

Our Hackathon Winners

Congratulations to all of the winners of the Router Protocol Track. Your creativity and innovation have truly impressed us. Keep up the great work and we can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with next. #RouterProtocol #SDK #Winners #InnovativeProjects #Kudos

Avex — First Place

Team Avex has developed an innovative solution to address the challenges that exist within the current blockchain wallet ecosystem. Their solution simplifies the process of storing and managing private keys and seed phrases, reducing the risk of permanent fund loss and also providing interoperability across multiple blockchain networks, personalized notifications, and various functionalities such as decentralized messaging and Defi activities.

By implementing Router Protocol, they have created an interoperable wallet that enables seamless swaps of tokens across multiple blockchains, making it easy for users to access liquidity from different blockchains.

Demo Video:

Team Avex dapp

Green Dao — Second Place

The Green DAO team solves the problem of tracking and tracing the origin of food products in the food supply chain using blockchain technology. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is an essential business process in all spheres of the economy. In a BCT (Blockchain Technology) based system, records are immutable and trusted, eliminating the need for third parties to be involved. Potential farmer-facing impacts include ensuring that farmers receive timely and complete payments through the use of smart contracts and helping farmers to capture real-time data to manage their crops and harvests. Another benefit of using BCT in FARMER is security, where hacking or tampering with the existing data is impossible by any intermediary.

As part of their solution, they have implemented a KYC process for farmers to ensure the authenticity of their produce. To simplify this process, Green Dao has created badges that act as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to validate the farmers’ information.

By using Router, Green Dao is able to make their badges CrossChain NFTs, which can be traded across different blockchains without losing their value and authenticity.

Demo Video:

Green-DAO is a web3 real-time application project built at the Layer hackathon.

Green Dao

GitHubCrypt — Third Place

GithubCrypt is a decentralized platform connecting developers with open-source projects and rewarding them in crypto. It enables developers to post project issues and get them solved by other developers without intermediaries. With GithubCrypt, project owners can find developers and pay them in crypto.

The team has implemented Router Protocol to enable payments to the contributors as a reward in the form of cross-chain cryptocurrencies. With the use of Router Protocol, the platform is able to seamlessly exchange tokens between different blockchain networks, thus enabling easy and efficient cross-chain transactions.

Demo Video:

Green Dao

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Router Protocol

Router Protocol is a secure, composable, and modular framework for building interoperable applications. More at