Router Tech Fortnightly Update

Router Protocol
3 min read3 days ago


July Edition: Part I

Welcome to the first part of our July edition of the Router Tech Fortnightly Update. In this issue, we continue to explore recent advancements and set the stage for upcoming developments. Our focus remains steadfast on enhancing our technological offerings, ensuring a seamless and powerful experience across all integrations.

Chain Updates:

  • Solana Checkpoint Calculation: Implemented Solana checkpoint calculation in Router Chain, enhancing cross-chain data verification.
  • Deployment and Testing: Azero, Bitcoin, and osmosis chains deployed on testnet v2 with ongoing testing.
  • Automated Refund Logic for Bitcoin: Automated refund logic implemented for Bitcoin, improving transaction reliability.
  • Batch Transaction Flow: Batch transaction flow added to the forwarder flow for increased efficiency and supporting even higher throughput.
  • Mainnet Upgrade to v47: Upgraded the mainnet to version 47, incorporating new features and improvements.
  • Witness Chain Integration: Deployed Witness Chain integration with forwarder on testnet, expanding our ecosystem.

Dapp Updates:

  • Gateway & Nitro Contracts Deployment: Gateway & Nitro Contracts deployed on mainnet for 4 new chains including, KYOTO, DOGE, Oasis, XLayer–expanding our network reach.
  • Mint and Burn Testing: Completed mint and burn testing for Aleph Zero.
  • Casper Asset Bridge Contracts: Developed Casper Asset Bridge Contracts, now ready for testing.
  • New Asset Forwarder Bindings: Released new bindings for Asset Forwarder and deployed batch relay contract on mainnet with improvements.
  • Refuel Contracts Deployment: Deployed Refuel Contracts for KYOTO, DOGE, and Oasis Sapphire, with sanity testing in progress.
  • Osmosis Mint and Burn Integration: Integrated and tested Osmosis Mint and Burn on testnet.

Tools & DevOps:

  • Aleph Zero Integration for Explorer: Deployed Aleph Zero integration for the explorer to testnet.
  • Injective UI Integration: Ongoing testing for Injective UI integration.

Router Hub Enhancements:

  • Integrated vesting contract changes into Router Hub.
  • Released new sdk-go changes for Router Chain Explorer.
  • Updated router-station for new chain-id.
  • Integrated Wallet Connect new app kit for Bitcoin and Aleph Zero.

Pathfinder Updates:

  • Completed Aleph Zero quote API, with transaction API testing on testnet.
  • Completed Bitcoin API, with testing in progress.

Product Updates:

Backend Integrations and UI Integrations:

  • Completed integrations with PancakeSwap and xFai.
  • Ongoing development for Thruster V3 and Thena PoCs.
  • Ongoing testing for ThirdFy and Maverick V2 integrations.
  • Completed Lynex Fusion integration.
  • UI development in progress for Thena and PancakeSwap

Adapter Development:

  • Completed xFai integration.
  • Developing intent adapters for Nile.

Upcoming Focus:

  • Osmosis Integration: Deployment and setup for Osmosis integration to mainnet.
  • Solana and Sui Integrations: Solana end-to-end testing and Sui integration kickoff.

Ongoing Deployments:

  • Deployment of Osmosis integration to mainnet.
  • Development of Golang flow for Solana Forwarder CCTP.
  • Start on Casper API Explorer.
  • Starknet fixes and testing for the Gateway Flow.
  • Complete Bitcoin end-to-end gateway flow and deploy on testnet.
  • Start on forwarder lite service.
  • Finish Osmosis Mainnet Deployment.
  • Integrate Solana on the Asset Forwarder Middleware contract.
  • Starknet Gateway Flow Testing is in progress

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress through a transformative year in blockchain technology. We value your continued support and encourage you to engage with us through our social media channels.

Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the blockchain space!

PS: Router Chain Public Mainnet is coming on 30th July, 2024!

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Router Protocol

Router Protocol is an secure, composable, and modular framework for building interoperable applications. More at